This 2020 report from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee Expert Panel Working Group presents focused updates to the previous 2007 asthma management guidelines on six priority topics.
Dr. Stephen J. Teach Biography Stephen J. Teach, M.D., M.P.H., is the associate dean for Pediatric Faculty Affairs and chair of the department of Pediatrics at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences; and director and principal investigator of IMPACT DC (Improving Pediatric Asthma Care in the District of Columbia), a care, research, and advocacy program focused on under-resourced and largely minority children with asthma. Dr. Teach also serves as the Washington, D.C., site principal investigator for the NIH/NIAID-funded Inner City Asthma Consortium.
Dr. Teach’s primary academic focus is on inequities in care and outcomes for urban youth with asthma and their families, including their limited access to healthcare services that often results in families seeking episodic asthma care in emergency department settings.