Pharmacies are where caregivers can be connected to the resources they need to care for loved ones. In fact, according to AARP — the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age — pharmacists rank higher than doctors as the number-one resource consumers call or visit as they’re thrust into a caregiving role. This all begs to reason that independent pharmacies represent a fundamental link to the care a caregiver is providing.
Cardinal Health representative Kim Stokell, from our Consumer Health Division, sits down with Greg Klem, vice president of Strategic Marketing and Partnerships, and Reema Jweied-Guegel, director, Enterprise Strategic Relationships, AARP, to chat about opportunities for independent pharmacies to deliver resources to their patients and customers in this steadfastly-growing caregiving space.
Together, Greg and Reema talk about AARP’s 2023 report, Valuing the Invaluable, where they profile “who” caregivers “are,” today and the challenges they face. The report also looks at recent developments, promising federal and state policies that support family caregivers, and promising practices in the public and private sectors.
Listen in as Greg and Reema share and cite best practices and tips for independent pharmacies to connect with — and understand — today’s caregiver concerns and behaviors, i.e., what they’re buying, their needs, and how to deliver on those needs.