Paging all urine experts, all urine experts please report to the Pain Pod! Actually, if you believe that you could benefit from a thorough discussion on the complexities of urine drug screening and testing, then “you’re in” luck! Everyone gets a cup! Everyone fills a cup! But then what? Shouldn’t a practitioner know what cross-reactants could create possible false-positives? Are there methods to “beat the system” and outsmart urine drug screenings and testings? Join us for a lively discussion on the most useful strategies for incorporating urine drug screenings, or preferably testings, into your own practice. If “you’re in” over your head, then this episode is for you! In this episode of the Pain Pod, Mark “Pain Guy” Garofoli chats through the multiple nuances of all thing’s urine in respect to patient care. Come one, come all, to the Pain Pod!!!
Episode References • Urine Drug Monitoring Overview of Screening and Testing o Moeller, K, et. al. Urine Drug Screenings: Practical Guide for Clinicians. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008;83(1)66-76. • Urine Drug Screenings Incorrect 1/3rd of the time o • Urine Drug Screening False Positive Cross Reactants o • Synthetic Urine Recipes o • Whizzinator o • Mike Tyson’s Podcast Whizzinator Explanation o • APhA Webinar’s o